Layout by Cindy Layout by Dianne High School Graduation Off to junior high they are! And that’s when you realize they are not kids anymore but teenagers teenagers who are also undergoing a huge change as they discover who they are, their passions, their goals and the reality that is called life. Layout by Pam Layout by Debbie Layout by Betsey Grade 8 Graduation

Those little hands clutching a piece of paper may one day hold a patient’s hand, shake another CEO’s hand, guide a little hand to write, or even sign a presidential decree. The first ever graduation to one’s pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. Have you seen your parents’ or grandparents’ graduation photos? Layout by PAMemoryKeeper Kindergarten Graduation Photographers were commissioned then to take photos of important occasions. Vintage Graduation Photosīack before digital cameras and smartphones, photos were not as easy to come by as today. Let’s take a look at different graduation pages and take inspiration from them for your next project. A pre-K graduation ushers in independence as primary school begins graduating from middle school also means emotional and physical changes are underway a high school graduation marks the coming of age as an adult and graduating college means you are now equipped to cope when reality bites. Graduations mark the end of another stage of learning, yet it also welcomes the beginning of a new chapter in one’s life. Better yet, have one dedicated entirely to graduations! Ah, graduations! These are definitely milestones that must have a page (or several) pages in your scrapbook.